The following rules cover various practical aspects of the Society’s operations.
1.0 General
1.1 All members flying at club sites must be current members of the British Model Flying Association (BMFA). In order to comply with current legislation members are also required to have a Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) issued Operators Number and this must be displayed on their models in accordance with those regulations.
1.2 Members should adhere at all times to the BMFA guidelines and safety codes for model flying as set out in the current BMFA Members’ Handbook. All members of BATS are personally required to ensure that they fly and operate their models in accordance with all applicable current UK legislation.
1.3 When 3 or more members fly at any BATS flying site, a “peg on” system of frequency allocation using “even” numbers will be used. Radio systems using the 2.4 GHz radio frequency are permitted and need not use a peg board but should conform to any limitations regarding the number of aircraft permitted to be flying at the same time
2.0 Seal Road Flying Site
2.1 General
2.1.1 Pilots should only fly models which are within their individual capability and in a manner which does not cause concern to other club-members or to other users of the field. Any model flown must be capable of operating and landing within the confines of the designated area. Any Committee Member present at the flying sessions will have the final decision over whether or not a particular model is suitable for Seal Road. All flying sessions will run according to the discretion of the members present on the day. If a pilot is causing concern for other pilots, he/she will be asked to moderate their flying or to cease flying.
2.1.2 Access to the Seal Road Flying Site is by a locked gate. The code to the gate is available to all current members but must not be divulged to any non member, including guests and prospective members. The gate must only be unlocked and open to allow passage through it and must be relocked as soon as possible. It must not be left unlocked when a member is not using it.
2.1.3 For safety reasons, all electric powered tractor propeller models should have rounded spinners or safety propeller nuts of the domed type fitted while gliders and pusher powered model aircraft noses should be rounded (no needle noses).
2.1.4 The main aim is for safe, sensible use of the field and pleasure for all. Additionally, common sense must prevail.
2.1.5 Under the terms of the rental agreement, the field at Seal Road is available for use by members during the times shown below and at other times at members’ discretion.
Wednesdays: 6.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.
Thursdays: 6.30pm to 9.00pm, from 1st April to 31st August.
Saturdays: 1.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Sundays: 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
At other times, outside of school hours, and subject to the field being available.
2.2 Gliders and Free Flight Models
2.2.1 At Seal Road, flying outside the field’s southern boundary, adjacent to the houses, is prohibited. If conditions dictate that gliders launching into wind will head toward the houses, bungees MUST be staked as far away from the southern boundary as possible.
2.2.2 Electric power assisted radio-controlled gliders may be flown at Seal Road, strictly in accordance with the limitations imposed by the Committee, which will allow the operation of models and equipment used for the BMFA Open and E-Soaring classes. All such gliders must conform to the following regulations.
a. Any electric motors may be used. Internal combustion engines are NOT permitted.
b. The energy source must not be more than nine nickel cadmium cells or 4-cell Li-Po or equivalent.
c. Flying conduct will be with the intention of duration flying.
d. Fast F5 types; hotliners, pylon racers etc. are not permitted.
e. It must be possible to switch off the motor from the transmitter. Fail-Safes (if available on the radio system) should be set.
f. Glider competition rules will be published separately each season in advance of the competition start date.
2.2.3 The use of power winches to launch model aircraft is forbidden at Seal Road.
2.2.4 Free flight electric and CO2 powered models, not exceeding 4 ounces (114 grams), may be flown at Seal Road. Rubber powered models and radio-controlled gliders are unrestricted.
2.3 Park Fly and Electric Sport Flying
2.3.1 Park-Fly and Electric Sport flying models are permitted at Seal Road. They should be flown in accordance with all applicable BATS Flying Rules and with due regard for fellow users of the field. It is acceptable for Electric Sport flying to be carried out alongside our Thermal and E-Soaring gliding activities. However, when glider competitions are taking place, competition use of the field will take priority with regard to the site of the pits, landing circles etc as they are bound by prevailing wind direction.
2.3.2 Park Fly and Sports Electric models are permitted with up to 4-cell Li-Po or 9-cell NiCd/NiMh, with a wingspan of up to 1.7m (approximately 67 inches) and of lightweight construction.
2.3.3 All flying of Park Fly and Sport Electric Models shall take place in the designated area. A diagram of this area is available from committee members All club members using Seal Road for Park Fly and Sport Electric Flying must make themselves aware of it and fly within the designated area.
2.3.4 The current BMFA guidelines should be adhered to with regard to standard practice; flight-line, pits area, peg-board if more than three pilots on 27meg or 35meg etc.
2.3.5 Noisy models are not allowed. Models being flown in the park fly zone should be no louder than any ambient sound at the southern boundary of the field, adjacent to the houses.
2.3.6 Our Club site is available for fixed-wing aircraft only. The flying of Rotary winged aircraft such as Helicopters, Autogyros and Multi-rotors is not permitted.
2.3.7 No more than five sport models airborne at any one time.
2.3.8 No overflying of the pits area. No low flying unless on landing approach and no high speed “beat-ups”.
2.3.9 Aerobatics are to be performed at a safe height and not over the pilot area, pit area and landing area.
3.0 Club Slope Soaring Sites
3.1 Only gliders which rely solely on the wind-generated lift from the slope may be flown on club sites. Models using engines or motors must not be used.
3.2 No “Combat” flying is allowed.
3.3 Members must observe the “Countryside Code” when using the club slope soaring sites. This includes, but is not limited to:-
a) Ensuring that all gates are closed behind you.
b) Taking all of your litter, including parts of broken models that can be safely retrieved, home with you.
c) Not touching or moving any items of farmer’s equipment or livestock.
3.4 At the Coombes Edge site no more than 5 models must be in the air at once and the site also must not be used for any kind of flying competition. Both these restrictions have been agreed with the land manager.
3.5 Members MUST observe the NO FLY dates at the following BATS licensed slope sites:
Pym Chair higher slope (Licensed to us as Withinleach Moor): NO FLYING 1st April to 31st July.
Reed Hill: NO FLYING from 1st April to 1st June.
Coombes Edge / Rocks / Tor: NO FLYING 1st. April – 1st. June.
These are the Flying Rules for BATS as ratified by the Committee on Monday 8th March 2021.
1. Name
The Society shall be known as Bramhall Area Thermal and Slope Soaring Society, hereinafter referred to as “BATS”.
2. Objectives
The objectives of BATS shall be to encourage all aspects of radio-controlled soaring and electric flight in the South Lancashire/North Cheshire area by obtaining and maintaining flying facilities, organised meetings, competitions and social activities and all other means considered appropriate by the Executive Committee.
The main purposes of the club are to provide facilities for and to promote participation in the amateur sport of Model Flying.
3. Membership
Membership of the club shall be open to any person interested in radio-controlled soaring and electric flight. Membership shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application, regardless of sex, age, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs, except as a necessary consequence of the requirements of model flying. The club may have different classes of membership and subscription on a non-discriminatory and fair basis. The club will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.
The club committee may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against refusal or removal may be made to the members.
Those over 18 years of age on the 1st January of the year of membership are senior members, those younger than this are juniors, but have full membership status. For purposes of administration a membership limit may be imposed as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee but any such limit will be subject to ratification by the next A.G.M of BATS. Members who join the society will pay a subscription as decided at the A.G.M.
4. BATS Element: As laid down in article 12.
Membership Cards will be issued as proof of current membership. All members of the Society are required to be members of the British Model Flying Association (BMFA) in order to comply with the terms of the Society’s affiliation to the BMFA. BATS will accept non-flying enthusiasts as Associate Members without the requirement for third party flying insurance.
Junior members and vulnerable adults must be accompanied at all times by a parent, guardian or carer whilst visiting the flying sites and club facilities. This is in line with current child protection and vulnerable adult legislation. Any person having concerns about the safety of any junior members or vulnerable adults should contact the club Welfare Officer.
A junior member is defined as a person less than 18 years of age. A vulnerable adult is defined as a person 18 years of age, or over, whom through mental or physical attributes, requires a higher level of supervision than would be normally commensurate with an adult member.
5. Register of Members
The Membership Secretary and Honorary Secretary shall each maintain an up-to-date register of Members
6. Executive Committee
This shall consist of: A Chairman, an Honorary Secretary, an Honorary Treasurer, a Newsletter Editor, a Competition Secretary (Slope), a Competition Secretary (Thermal), a Membership and Welfare Officer and an Equipment and Safety Officer. Four members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the organisation and administration of BATS.
All members of the Executive Committee shall hold office for one year and then be eligible for re-election.
The Honorary Secretary shall maintain a record of all the proceedings of BATS.
The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for the finances of BATS and shall present an audited statement of the funds to each Annual General Meeting. An account shall be established in the name of BATS at a recognised bank. The Executive Committee shall choose four of its members to be signatories and all cheques must be signed by two of these.
7. Election of the Committee
The Officers of the Executive Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (A.G.M) of BATS. Persons standing for election must have confirmed that they are prepared to serve if elected and must be proposed and seconded by two other paid-up members of BATS. In the event of insufficient nominations being received, the Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt any eligible member who is prepared to serve. Co-opted members have full voting rights.
8. Annual General Meeting
The A.G.M. of BATS shall be held in November of each year. Notice of the A.G.M. shall be sent to members not less than 21 days before the date fixed. Resolutions to be included in the Agenda of the A.G.M. must be proposed and seconded by BATS members and must reach the Honorary Secretary by at least 28 days before the date of the A.G.M.
The business to be transacted at the A.G.M. shall be:
(a) Minutes of the previous A.G.M
(b) Matters arising
(c) To receive a written Annual Report from each member of the Executive Committee
(d) To review an audited statement of the funds of BATS
(e) To hold elections
(f) To set the annual subscriptions for the ensuing year.
(g) To appoint auditors for the ensuing year
(h) To vote on resolutions listed on the agenda
9. Extraordinary General Meeting (E.G.M)
By resolution of the Committee or upon request in writing, signed by no fewer than five members of BATS, the Honorary Secretary shall convene an E.G.M. Notice of the E.G.M. shall be sent to members not less than 21 days before the date fixed. The notice shall state the purpose of the meeting and contain the resolution(s) to be debated. No other resolutions may be discussed.
10. Quorum
No business shall be conducted at any General Meeting of BATS unless at least 20% of the paid-up members are present.
11. Voting
Only full members of BATS as are present at meetings shall be entitled to vote. Associate members will not have voting rights on flying matters at an A.G.M/E.G.M. Postal and proxy voting is not permitted.
12. Subscriptions
The amount of the annual subscription shall be fixed each year by the A.G.M.
Subscriptions of current members unpaid after the 31st March shall indicate that the defaulting members have ceased to be members of BATS.
Any new member joining after 1st October will get membership of BATS for up to 15 months to 31st December the following year.
13. Newsletter
The BATS Newsletter shall be emailed to every member of BATS who has accepted email communication from the club. No hard copies of the newsletter will be printed by the committee. Normally the Newsletter will be published monthly.
14. The club is to be registered as a CASC (Community Amateur Sports Club) and as such must:
- not make a profit, unless this is reinvested in the club and spent only on promoting participation and providing facilities for eligible sports
- not pay more than £10,000 in total to all members in a year
- provide only the benefits normally associated with an amateur sports club, such as use of equipment, coaching, post-competition refreshments.
- only pay expenses for competitions and tours where members take part in and promote the club’s sport.
All surplus income or profits are to be reinvested in the club. No surpluses or assets will be distributed to members or third parties.
15. Dissolution of BATS
In the event of BATS ceasing to exist, an E.G.M. of remaining paid-up members will be called and will decide the treatment of any moneys remaining in the account, which must comply with the following:
Upon dissolution of the club any remaining assets shall be given or transferred to another registered CASC, a registered charity or the sport’s governing body, the BMFA, for use by them in related community sports.
16. Disciplinary Action
Disciplinary Action may be taken against a member for persistent or serious breach of the BATS Rules for Flying, or the terms of the Constitution, particularly:
(a) Dangerous or intimidating flying.
(b) Breach of the rules for the Club flying field and slope soaring sites that are for club members only.
(c) Bringing the Club into disrepute.
The Committee has the right to suspend a member’s right to flying for a period of time and, in extreme circumstances, to expel a member from the Club.
Disciplinary action will be in accordance with the following procedures:
1) The member will initially be spoken to informally by a Committee Member, or Members, when the breach of the Rules for Flying, or the Constitution, will be discussed and, hopefully, an amicable resolution reached.
2) If this fails then the member is to be given an official verbal warning by at least two Members of the Committee; in which the member is made aware of their misdemeanours and what actions they are reasonably required to take to make amends.
3) If the member does not respond positively to this request; they are to be given a written warning from the Honorary Secretary, on behalf of the Committee, to advise them of their misdemeanours and what actions they are reasonably required to take to make amends. This may include suspending the member’s rights to fly on Club controlled sites for a period of time.
4) If the member still fails to respond positively; the Committee will invite the member, in writing, to meet with the Committee at a mutually convenient date and time; to discuss the situation and advising that the Committee are considering withdrawal of that member’s BATS membership.
5) If the member still fails to respond to reasoning the Honorary Secretary, on behalf of the Committee, can advise them in writing that their membership is withdrawn and stating the reasons why this decision was reached.
6) When the member is advised of withdrawal of their membership, they must be given the right of appeal. This will be to the Club Membership at an EGM, which the Committee would call, on the member’s behalf, at an agreed date and time. The motion to uphold the membership withdrawal, or reverse it, must be made in accordance with the voting procedures set out within the BATS Constitution.
However, in the case of gross misconduct; immediate suspension without warnings may be considered, but the member(s) must still be accorded their rights to present their case to the Committee as listed in section 4, 5 and 6 above.
This is the Constitution of BATS as ratified by E.G.M. on Thursday4th January 2024. Clauses 2. and 3. were reworded to comply with the CASC requirements without altering their meaning and this was approved at a committee meeting on 16th April 2024